Kate and James MA RI Wedding Photographer

Hi everyone, we're Kate and James and we're The Feds. Welcome to our blog. Here you can get a sneak peek into our lives and our Wedding Photography. We love to meet new people so feel free to LEAVE COMMENTS we love 'em!
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Saturday, July 04, 2009

New Blog on it's way

New blog(YEPPIE!) and lots of post are coming very very soon. Make sure you read our next post with the url and you take the time to update it in your reader or you will miss out on what's happening with The Feds and the past few months of Shoots.

This is long over due. We have been using Blogger for about 4 years now and then the business was just James Federico Photography hence the address of the blog. We have grown and it is about time to move on. We will keep the blog online to look back and remember where we started and share the past with everyone. The new blog have many features we can use to make everyone's experience better.

If you want a sneak peak as we do some tweaks, email us and we will send the link.

photographik MA photographers